Thursday, September 11, 2008

A day at Everwilde Farms

In addition to flowers this year, my employer is growing organic vegetables for a produce co-op. Yesterday was a day of harvesting a variety of vegetables which broke up the monotony of field work quite nicely!

Freshly cut cantaloupe.

These yellow cherry tomatoes are my favorites. So sweet!!

Heirloom tomatoes. 

These remind me so much of jelly beans!

My employer's wife; a great help in the fields, and a sweet, sweet friend of mine! We break up the long hours of tomato picking by launching rotten cherry tomatoes at each other! :-)

The sweetest, nummiest home-grown watermelon I have ever tasted!

The showy-black-eyed-susan is in full bloom right now!

SO pretty!


Noelle Otto said...

Beautiful, Andrea! You are getting better and better!


Allison Joy said...

Lovely work, Andrea :)

I found your site through comments on Bethany Wissmann's blog, and I am always excited to find Christian photographers!
If you'd like to visit, I am putting weekly photo assignments on my photography blog :)

In Christ,
Allison Marshall

Anonymous said...

Same goes for me. I found your site when I looked up casting your bread upon the waters with regard to God's blessing in our lives and came upon your site. I also love to discover other Christian bloggers, especially photographers.
In Christ,